How to Write an Analytical Paper without Much Effort

To successfully write an analytical paper in less than half an hour, all you need to do is ask five simple questions. From these questions you can develop your content and construct a sound analytical paper that will win a favourable score.

Bear in mind that your essay will typically contain an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Ask the following questions and use the content derived to structure your essay accordingly.

What are you analyzing?

You will often be given a piece of literature, a book, or even an idealistic notion to analyze. But it’s not always the whole piece that needs to be written about. You will likely need to break up your topic into smaller parts. This will help you to determine which section you will be analyzing—the choice is yours.

What’s your opinion?

You won’t just be scribbling down a bunch of features. An analytical paper must contain a claim or theory which can be proven throughout the paper. Your objective will be to show, via the subject you are analyzing, that your claim is true. To do this, make sure you can immediately find three to five points within your subject material that can be used to bolster the claim you decide to make.

How will you prove it?

You’ve already done most of the work by finding the evidence points. Now write these points down as the thesis of your essay. Try not to stray from the subject itself when sourcing your evidence. All your evidence should be retrieved from the material you are analyzing for it to fit within this type of essay.

Who can back you up?

Because you will constantly be referring to the source material, it’s important to know how and when to quote. Always place quotes in inverted commas and only quote when you are referring to a passage. An essay doesn’t have a bibliography at the end, so you can’t assume the reader knows what you are referring to unless you make it clear.

Will your reader agree?

One you’re done, remember to proofread your paper at least twice. While proofreading, ask yourself whether you have accomplished your mission of proving your claim to be true. Ensure that every sentence contributes to strengthening your claim and also that you haven’t made any assumptions, but that all your facts are clearly presented from your source material.
